Adult Basketball
Basketball is played Tuesday and Thursday evenings in the Sacred Heart School gym from 9:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.
Catholic Youth Organization (C.Y.O.)
C.Y.O. is open to fourth through 12th graders who are members of Sacred Heart Parish, attend Sacred Heart School, or are enrolled in Religious Education Classes. The purpose of C.Y.O. is to teach leadership, responsibility, and good sportsmanship, and to develop a sympathetic understanding of others. Activities include arts, crafts, cooking competitions, declamation, cheer-leading, volleyball, basketball, softball, baseball, and track.
Students and Parishioners of Sacred Heart in Grades 3-8 please use the following link if interested in playing CYO basketball this Fall/Winter
Coffee and Donuts
This group provides coffee and donuts and an opportunity to socialize with one another following the 9:30 a.m. and 11:15 a.m. Masses on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month, from September through May.
Mailing Committee
This committee meets to collate/prepare for bulk mailing the newsletter on a monthly basis, as well as other parish mailings throughout the year.
Parish Council
Parish Council meets once a month and advises the pastor on matters regarding community outreach, education, finance, prayer, liturgy, social activities, and all other business that impacts the parish.
Parish Events Committee
This committee meets as needed to plan and coordinate various events within the Parish, such as, Fundraising Events throughout the year, and Faith and Fellowship Events.
St. Joseph Day Dinner is a covered dish social held after 5:00 p.m. Mass with the conclusion of the Novena on March 19, the Feast of St. Joseph. This social is held in the school gym and provides an opportunity of food, fellowship, and fun for all ages.
Children’s Easter Egg Hunt, this event is held after the 11:15 a.m. Mass on Easter Sunday.

The Parish Picnic, which is based on a family reunion model. Meetings occur during the month of March, April, and May, and the picnic is usually held in the beginning of June.

Live Nativity, this event is held during the month of December and includes children helping to bring to life the birth of Jesus Christ. This social is held in the Narthex of the Parish and provides an opportunity of food, fellowship, and fun for all ages.
Children’s Christmas Choir, this event takes place immediately before 5:00 p.m. Mass on Christmas Eve.

4th of July Parade

Respect Life
The mission of the Respect Life Committee is to promote a respect for life and to defend it, from conception to death. Respect Life supports Lifeline, Catholic Charities, and Mary’s Shelter.
Contact: Stephanie Giles
Sacred Heart Book Club
This group meets once a month to discuss the chosen book. Please join for some Faith and Fellowship and great discussions!

Contact: Marsha Gleason
Sacred Heart Home and School Association
The Home and School Association strives to improve communications between the school and families of our students by acting as a liaison between families and faculty and administration. It engenders a feeling of pride for and support of the school. The group supports the school financially with fundraisers and tries to increase the educational opportunities for students through active participation and involvement in the school family.
Contact: Amanda Spencer
Sacred Heart Seniors
Social, educational, and cultural programs are planned to promote friendship and fellowship. Membership is open to anyone age 50 or older. Trips and events will be planned and announce gaged on interest and attendance.
Contact: Kirsten Rentschler