Seek to Grow

In Faith, Love, & Service

through the power of the Sacraments

"I have found

the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love.” -St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta

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Saturday (Vigil)

5:00 PM,


7:30 AM,

9:30 AM,

11:15 AM,

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Sacred Heart Endowment Fund

In your charity and generosity, consider supporting this noble cause for the good of both our Sacred Heart Church and School Community. No contribution is too small or too large! Please see the accompanying Pledge form for contribution to this fund. Located inside for download.

Statement by Bishop Alfred A. Schlert on the attempted assassination of former President Trump:

Prayer for our Nation
God our Father, giver of life, we entrust the United States of America to your loving care. You are the rock on which this nation was founded. You alone are the true source of our cherished rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Reclaim this land for your glory and dwell among your people.
Send your Spirit to touch the hearts of our nation’s leaders. Open their minds to the great worth of human life and the responsibilities that accompany human freedom. Remind your people that true happiness is rooted in seeking and doing your will.
Through the intercession of Mary Immaculate, patroness of our land, grant us the courage to reject the “culture of death.” Lead us into a new millennium of life. We ask this through Christ Our Lord.

Annual Spaghetti Dinner & Bake Sale

Wednesday, May 1st, 4:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. @ Victor Emmanuel II

The Annual Spaghetti Dinner and Bake Sale at Victor Emmanuel II on Wednesday, May 1, 2024, from 4:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.. This will be a Dine-In or Take-Out event. Ticket sales will begin after Mass at both churches on the weekends of April 13/14, 20/21, 27/28. Dinners are $12 per meal and includes Spaghetti and Meatballs, Salad, Bread & Butter. Cash bar is available for beverages. Your ticket stub will also be entered into a variety of raffles for prizes. We hope to see you there! Anyone willing to bake should see/contact Randy Bjorken at 610-375-6229, or just bring your baked goods to the dinner. Proceeds from this event helps to continue our Council’s Mission to benefit our parishes.

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