Registration is now open for the 2024-2025 School Year

Diocesan Policy states that two years of preparation are required before the celebration of the sacraments of First Penance and First Eucharist.
Thus, all students entering First Grade in September 2024 should be registered in Sacred Heart’s Religious Education Program.
Registration forms can be picked up at the Religious Education Office or the Parish Offices.
Please return the form, fee, and a copy of the child’s official Baptismal Certificate to the office.
For more information or questions:
E-mails can be sent to Patty Addams: paddams@sacredheartreading.org or contact Valerie Christo, DRE at 610-374-5430.
Religious Education Class of 2022-2023

Congratulations on your First Holy Communion!
Bishop Thomas J. Welsh CYO Religion Award – Diocese of Allentown.
Congratulations to our Sacred Heart Religious Education students who went the extra mile to complete a religious project that lasted six months. We are extremely proud of their progress! Good job everyone!

Religious Award for Achievement 2022

What a great accomplishment for our four students who received Outstanding in Religion in regard to their assignments, participation in class, as well as perfect attendance! Keep up the good work in the future. The church needs disciples of Jesus like you!
Religious Education Perfect Attendance 2021-2022
Congratulations to our nine students who had perfect attendance for Religious Education class of 2021-2022! Hooray…thumbs up boys and girls! Jesus must be very proud of you and your parents!

Religious Education Faculty 2021-2022

These are the men and women, God called to the ministry of catechesis at Sacred Heart Church. We are proud of the hard work and dedication of each individual to assure our children were safe and well prepared in their religious studies. We couldn’t ask for better teamwork! THANK YOU EVERYONE!