Monday, March 20th, 6:15 p.m. @ Sacred Heart School Gymnasium
That’s right, plans are underway to have The St. Joseph Dinner on Monday, March 20th following directly after the Solemnity of St. Joseph Mass. Various groups from both parishes will be involved to bring back this important event for both parishes like Coffee and Donuts, The Knights of Columbus, SVDP and others. In a nutshell, to those who have not experienced this parish-wide dinner event, it is a pot-luck dinner where all those coming bring either a main dish, a salad of some type, or dessert as we break bread and socialize in the school’s gymnasium. We are expecting a good turnout from those who we spoke to about bringing this dinner back.
Another intention of the dinner is to help aid the St. Joseph Pantry as we will be taking donations of paper products or canned goods as well as a 50/50 raffle will be offered to benefit the St. Joseph Pantry. Your participation will be greatly appreciated.
The time for the dinner is roughly 6:15pm to 8:30pm. More information will be coming in future bulletins. A few weeks before the dinner we will be putting paperwork in the pews so you have an opportunity to let us know how many from your family may be attending and what you intend to make for the event. Foil pans for your covered dish will be distributed a few weeks prior to the dinner after Masses. For those of you who have attended in the past, the routine is nearly the same. The dinner is open to parishioners from both Sacred Heart and Holy Rosary Churches and was last held in 2019. If you have helped with this dinner in the past, or you or your parish group would like to participate in preparation for this dinner, contact Randy Bjorken at 610-375-6229, or contact Kirsten at the Rectory 610-372-4010. Thank you!