Sacrament of Baptism / Baptism Preparation Classes

The sacrament of baptism is administered every 3rd Sunday of the month.
Parents must be registered members of Sacred Heart Church and be in good standing with the church at a minimum of 3 months prior to the scheduling of the Baptism.
Baptism preparation class is held every Wednesday before the 3rd Sunday at 7:00 p.m.
Parents are encouraged to attend classes before the birth of their child.
Baptism, Confirmation, and First Communion Certificates

Baptism, Confirmation, and First Communion Certificates are available, and will be issued upon request at the Parish Office.
To be a Godparent or Sponsor, from Sacred Heart Church, you must be a current active member of Sacred Heart Church as well as be a good standing Catholic.
If you are a new member, you must attend church consistently for 3 months prior.
Diocesan Policies for Marriage

Couples should schedule a meeting with the parish priest as soon as they are engaged to marry.
After meeting with the priest, the couple must contact the Office of Marriage and Family Life Formation at (610) 289-8900 x 221 to register for the FOCCUS pre-marriage inventory.
The FOCCUS survey is to be taken online within two weeks after meeting with the priest. The survey is designed to help couples learn more about their unique relationship and to facilitate open and honest communication between the couple.
After discussing FOCCUS with the priest, the couple should register online for marriage preparation classes. The classes must be taken at least six months prior to the wedding date.
Please see the website of the Allentown Diocese for the schedule.